Thursday, June 23, 2011

Olivia Foxworth: a Case of Mind Control

This character is a synonym of violence in the novel, Olivia herself has been a  victim of abuse and mind control at various points in her life which lead her to become a religious fanatic, specially influenced by the old testament in the Bible. This will mean suffering  and abuse for the Dollanganger siblings during their confinement to the point of things getting very overwhelming. For the most part is very difficult to understand her sadistic behaviour as she become accomplice of murdr.

Since the beginning of  the Dollangangers stay at Foxworth Hall, she gave to  the siblings a list of rules to follow and if they were to disobey, they would be accordingly punished. Some of these rules are the following:

One: You are always to be fully dressed.

Two: You will never take the Lord's name in vain, and will always say grace before each meal. And if I am not in the room to see that you do this, you may be sure that He above will be listening and watching.

Three: you are never to open the draperies, not even to peek out.

Four: You will never speak to me unless I speak to you First.

These rules are the beginning of the mind control that the children  would suffer at Foxworth Hall: submission, shame, and fear would become the norm in this room.  The most striking thing is how the sunlight is forbidden and how they will be in darkness, fear and submission. The rest of the rules have the same tone and are just a  violent  attempt of mind control.

The following is an image of the siblings after one episode in which Olivia rejects one of the presents given to her. In general this shows how they feel about the rejection, they suffer at this house.

Scene at Foxworth Hall